Naming and identity of the "Sputnik" mobile coffee machine
The name carries several meanings: the first Soviet satellite and a coffee shop that will be "along the way" with the consumer. The satellite appears in the sign and pattern. The main combination of colors is red and white, traditional for the Soviet style.
Since the coffee shop was designed on the basis of the UAZ 3309 car, the logo is based on Soviet typography. Two unique fonts have been developed for the logo: a display font for the name and a grotesque font for the interlinear and auxiliary inscriptions.
A silhouette of the first Soviet satellite or a glass of coffee flying like a satellite appears in the sign.
A set of stickers and merch with the symbols of the Sputnik mobile coffee shop will help maintain audience loyalty, promote the company on social networks, and will be a great bonus when buying coffee.
Everyone loves stickers) The astronaut will be the mascot of the Sputnik mobile coffee shop: "Let's go!")